Thursday 27 October 2011

A Dream and the Angels.

 (Photo Credit: B.S Wise available under a Creative Commons Licence.)

In the absence of a more appropriate starting place, I will begin with this morning.

I woke in a semi-conscious state, aware of a dreamy world my subconscious had created during the night. Before going to bed I had used my Angel Cards to receive guidance from Archangel Michael- I asked him for direction regarding my life purpose. One of the cards indicated I should pay attention to my dreams.

The dream I woke from involved another life where I lived as part of a community- we were all in a giant dining area with many huge tables. Each one of us was assigned the task of bringing forward the innate gifts and wisdom we were born with- something which was very easy for us to identify in the dream. The feeling I woke with was that Spirit and the Angels wanted to work with me- that I had access to information and experience of a different life: a life filled with love and peace, not all perfect though, but where spiritual life purposes were followed by all. I felt excited and energised with an urgent need to write! Hence the blog is born!

The feelings of excitement and inspiration were full of positive energy. As I sat down to clear my energies and open my chakras I was asked by the angels to allow the excited heart and brow chakra energy to flow through my grounding cord into the Earth. In the past I haven't grounded this energy- I didn't know anything about grounding! I would end up with repetitive thoughts buzzing around in my head, which I think the grounding had calmed down this time- keeping my head clear and which makes it easier to receive more communication with Spirit.

I am certainly not psychic, just learning to trust my intuition and to listen to angelic guidance. I'm not mad and I think many people have similar experiences to me, they are just perceived as an overactive imagination, rather than something significant. But I want to find out what happens when I listen and act on the information I receive. I am beginning to trust the experiences a little more now and certainly believe that God and the Angels are here with me. But I am still filled with doubts that I am not intuitive enough, worthy enough, clever enough, talented enough etc. Hopefully I can overcome these.

So here I am, acting on guidance I have received from the angels. Let's see what happens next.....!

The Beginning....

This blog is a journal of my spiritual growth.

I am not a psychic or medium, or particularly spiritually gifted.

I just want to be a better person, with a more meaningful life.

I believe in a more loving, peaceful life, where we respect the Earth, each other, and are free from our egos.

One day I hope I'll be living that life.